From Saboteur to Ally 3 min Read Reverend Emack Jackson pastors a church of 500 people in Nyarugusu Refugee Camp in Tanzania. Rev. Jackson, a Congolese refugee himself who’s lived in this camp for more than 20 years, has seen firsthand the heartache and brokenness suffered by…
Love in Action in the Time of Coronavirus 5 min Read It’s hard to believe that an animal-borne disease from the other side of the world has, over the course of four months, spread to more than 200,000 people in 156 countries across the globe. For those of us in the…
3 Reasons You Should Care About What Happens Globally 4 min Read There is so much happening in our own country that it’s hard to stay informed about what’s going on around the world. Sometimes big stories from other countries don’t even break through the U.S. news cycle. And that lack of…
World Day of the Sick: 9 Ways to Pray 4 min Read Twenty-seven years ago, Pope John Paul II introduced World Day of the Sick. It’s a day to pray for those suffering from illness. Today, we invite you to join us in praying for the sick and their caregivers.
A Time of Rebirth: Reflections on Easter 3 min Read When you touch just one vulnerable person, salve her suffering with grace and care, you can begin to see in her eyes the budding of a new life…
Remembering that Jesus was a Refugee 3 min Read Her family fled Syria when the children were no longer safe. Now, Kareena picks potatoes in the mud for just over a dollar a day…
Reflections from Medical Teams Founder Ron Post 4 min Read In 1979, a Salem businessman named Ron Post was watching television when news coverage of the atrocities in Cambodia flickered across the screen. His heart immediately went out to the people he saw who, through no wrongdoing of their own, were facing…